I like to be involved in different writing or creative projects to broaden my horizons. Here are a few adventures I have been on…


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“This year’s theme is ‘Making Connections’ and the program features big names like Hugh Mackay and Don Watson, whose sessions will be recorded and broadcast at a later date by ABC Radio National, firmly placing Scone on the world literary map.” - The Scone Advocate

Picture: I was lucky enough to be on a panel with facilitator Leonie Rodgers, and authors Cate Kennedy and Jo Riccioni, in talking about the difference between short and long fiction. Our panel was titled ‘Keep It Short’ and oh we tried to!

Courtney Collins said at the Scone Writers Festival 2016 that for writers and those alike, what you write must be worth the tree that is cut down and used to print your words. Just thinking about that now, about that space that we place our words in to, and how we nurture that space as non-writers and writers, it makes me feel like there is so much support and so much love of the written word, which keeps it and us alive.


Melbourne Fringe Festival, 2017 | Love Kills

“Love Kills 2017 is the new show devised and directed by Noel Anderson (Andy Warhol’s Fifteen of Fame, TV series ‘NEXT’ season 1 & 2, ‘Travelers in Time’ music video) that dares to tell the truth about love, warts and all.” - Harlequin Ink

“Nine of Melbourne’s best indie writers and lonely hearts, and seven performers will bring their considerable experience and clout to the Melbourne Fringe 2017, that will make you laugh, question love (the whole damn thing) and entertain.” - Australian Arts Review

In 2013, I had a small success with a shortlisted entry in the Solo Monologue Competition Open Unpublished Category. This was a lifechanging experience for when I saw Burg And The Bird performed at Hothouse Theatre Albury Wodonga, I had a major epiphany about myself, and about writing and the creative process.


“This monologue has been called quirky…described in the positive as being influenced by Eastern philosophy. When I saw the talented actor perform my monologue, I saw more than a dystopian environmental issue. I realised that the story held an allegory about my own mind. An existential crisis.”

In 2020, I was one of 13 lucky recipients of the New Zealand Society of Authors CompleteMS Assessment. “These writers have crafted compelling manuscripts.” Thank you NZSA and thank you to Philippa Werry, my assessor who was honest, professional and perceptive in giving her feedback.

Let’s Talk Poetry National Poetry Day 2023

I’ve been on a few interesting adventures with local Whangārei poet Piet Nieuwland, including a hilarious Maritime Festival poetry performance I will tell you abut over a drink one day. For National Poetry Day 2023 we were invited as part of of a discussion panel at Whangārei Library. The panel was interactive with the audience and made for a more relaxed dialogue about all things poetry, and then some. Our host and writer Olivia Garelja was super chill and inquisitive. Thanks Olivia and thanks Creative Northland for the opportunity to put a spotlight on poetry. Piet’s website is below. He coedits the Northland poetry anthology Fast Fibres where I’ve had a few poems published since moving to Te Tai Tokerau.

Flash Fiction Competition 2024 Winners

The Whangārei Library 3.30 Flash Writers' Group in association with Whangārei District Libraries celebrated the 2024 Flash Fiction competition with an intimate gathering. I was lucky enough to place 3rd with my story ‘Mind Your Head’ which you can read, alongside the other Adult and Youth winning entries below. It was fun to hear the stories being read aloud, and I was particularly impressed with the level of sophistication and grappling of dark themes amongst the youth entries. Congratulations everyone.

The NZSA Northland Branch National Short Story Competition 2024

I was lucky to gain 3rd place in the National Short Story Competition for my story The Vending Machine which you can read at the link below. Thanks to the Northland Branch of NZSA for their support and encouragement.